1860 East Warner Rd. Suite 108 • Tempe, Arizona 85284 • (480) 897-3733

Fred's Flowers, Your Local Mesa Florist

Need delivery today? Call us, we may be able to accomodate.

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Flower delivery in Mesa

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 7 miles from the center of Mesa.

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Fred's Flowers
1860 East Warner Rd. Suite 108
Tempe, Arizona 85284
Leave a Review
Charity DanaCharity Dana
3 weeks ago
Simply amazing, I needed a bridal boutique the same day and they put something together in less than an hour. Prices are fair and reasonable. Would highly recommend. I will be back. The ladies working there are super friendly. Just love them.
Ashlyn BrownAshlyn Brown
last month
I’ve been receiving flowers from Fred’s for three years from my significant other and they always do such a beautiful job.
Julius TaylorJulius Taylor
last month
I absolutely love this place. The ladies are always so sweet. I makes sure I come in every month to get my wife flowers. Thank you so much for your customer service and great selection.